Promotional Products: why it matters WHERE your logo appears!

turnkey Promotions passport-holderLogo size and placement matters!

Your logo says a lot about your business. This post isn’t about creating your logo, as there’s plenty already published about design and colours on the web. Instead, let’s focus on where your logo appears on promotional products as the placement can make the difference between a remembered brand and one that’s forgotten quickly.

Understand your clients

Bigger is not always better, and the size of your logo on promotional products depends on the type of product you’ve chosen and the intended recipient. A corporate gift intended for executive level clients would only require a small or subtle logo so that it’s used more often and doesn’t detract from an individual’s personal style. Corporate gifts such as glassware, and office use gifts benefit from smaller, well-placed logos that catch the eye, but don’t detract from its use. Understanding your clients will make this decision much easier. Promotional products for outdoor use can obviously have a bigger logo so that they’re seen easily. Pop-up shade tents, tote bags, umbrellas and water bottles all benefit from larger logos.

Subtle and discreet

Discreet logos also add a touch of class and surprise to users when they’re found. A discreet logo on promotional products can also ensure your product is used more often, depending on the style of the user.  Discreet or hidden logos work best on regularly used products as they reveal a brand when a product is in use. A logo on the inside or bottom of a coffee mug that can only be seen by the coffee drinker is one such example. Because of the extra thought you’ve put into where your logo appears, brand recall can be higher. Also consider placing logos internally, where only the user sees them – products that are regularly opened such as travel wallets and compendiums benefit from discreet branding.

160812105236-olympics-under-armour-nike-usa-gymnastics-780x439Earlier this year, logos on active wear worn by Olympic teams in Rio competed for attention. A perfect example of good logo placement is the uniform worn by members of the US Gymnastics team. The Under Armour logo was expertly placed to capture viewer’s attention when medalists raised their arms in triumph. Even if your logo won’t be appearing on an Olympian (yet) choosing the best place for a logo on promotional gear can make a huge difference.

Of course, it’s a good idea to have your logo ready to go in a variety of different file formats to expedite the product design and ordering process (and we can also help you with this). We’ve shared some tips on which graphics work best . Your logo featured on promotional products is another touchpoint with staff and clients that extends from your office, website and social media accounts.



Diana O’Cobhthaigh, is the owner of Turnkey Promotions, boutique agency specialising in promotional merchandise and product development. Turnkey Promotions provides a helpful and consultative experience that is tailored towards our clients’ Branding, Values and Vision. Diana and Turnkey Promotions are focused on a partnership that delivers precision in planning, quality products and timely delivery.

This Summer, Make Your Event (and Brand) Sizzle with Outdoor Use Promotional Products


Long, warm days in the spring and summer months invite people outdoors for recreation and business! The warmer months are a perfect opportunity for promotional branding to reach new audiences in situations that may have not been seen before.

Promotional products geared for use at outdoor events, or for use by clients while pursuing outdoor activities have a similar impact as outdoor advertising as they aren’t hidden away indoors as a USB, pen or other office gift sometimes can be.

With this said, a good outdoor-use promotional product can become part of the environment. Items such as water bottles, sunscreen, shade tents, umbrellas, and picnic rugs get a lot of use and visibility.  When attending your event, your clients, customers and guests have no control over whether they see it or not giving your campaign more impact for a longer period of time than expected. If your promotional product is one a client can take home to use again with friends and family, then this makes the campaign period even longer. Most outdoor activities are social by nature and include a lot more than one person; picnics, visiting parks and beaches, exercise, all usually involve a group of people making the most of beautiful warm days.

Research from the Australasian Promotional Products Association (APPA) shows that promotional products can increase your brand’s reach!

  • 91% of people have at least one promotional product in their kitchen, considering most people spend on average 3 – 5 hours a day in their kitchen, this provides a lot of brand impressions
  • 56% keep a promotional product for longer than a year
  • and nearly 50% use them daily

This spring and summer, think outside the box for your next promotional product. There’s a myriad of options for outdoor events and outdoor use that will ensure your brand gets a lot of visibility during the warm holiday months.



Diana O’Cobhthaigh, is the owner of Turnkey Promotions, boutique agency specialising in promotional merchandise and product development. Turnkey Promotions provides a helpful and consultative experience that is tailored towards our clients’ Branding, Values and Vision. Diana and Turnkey Promotions are focused on a partnership that delivers precision in planning, quality products and timely delivery.

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