Diana O’Cobhthaigh Awarded MAS Certification.

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), headquartered in the United States, has awarded their second Australian, Diana O’Cobhthaigh, with the industry coveted Master Advertising Specialist (MAS) certification.
O’Cobhthaigh, a branded merchandise professional and owner of TurnKey Promotions operating out of Hunters Hill NSW, was formally certified with her MAS on 27th May 2020. Reflecting on the experience she said, “This is a massive milestone in my career and for the industry in Australia.” Upon graduation only two professionals in Australia hold this designation, so it is indeed a massive achievement. A sentiment shared by Wesley Fawaz, CEO of the local association APPA, Australasian Promotional Products Association, stating “It is truly incredible to have another professional in our industry receive this certification. I hope this encourages others to follow and we congratulate Diana for all of her dedication and hard work.”
It is this level of dedication that has awarded O’Cobhthaigh a place among an elite few in the promotional industry. Individuals with MAS certification are regarded as industry leaders, and rightfully so as they have attained a higher standard of professionalism, knowledge and experience. The certification is acquired through a combination of active employment in the industry, education, industry contributions and the successful demonstration of expertise. It is more than education; it’s about understanding and implementing a higher level of doing business.
Finding a specialist in an industry is usually a bonus for most consumers. Imagine walking into a bakery to pickup a birthday cake, only to find out that the baker is a world renown cake creator. What seemed like a typical purchase has now become an experience and you may never look at cakes the same way again. The same rule applies in any industry and that is exactly what O’Cobhthaigh has done and will continue to do in the future. Raising the bar, showing her clients that they are not transactional but rather key partners in the industry she has chosen.
A perfect example of where the bar sits can be found in one of the integral parts of MAS certification. Recipients must go through a rigorous curriculum on safety and compliance where they are not only educated on regulations but challenged to adopt new procedures that incorporate them. This includes identifying hazards and ensuring products are safe for children, knowing what chemicals and metals are present in raw materials and the inks used to brand them, understanding safety measures in electronic devices, how to read test reports and the list goes on. MAS professionals don’t just react to what a brand needs, they protect and enhance it. O’Cobhthaigh confirms this has been her business model from day one stating, “I am in business for quality not quantity. I have a book of loyal clients and my goal is to provide the best level of service I can on every single project.”
O’Cobhthaigh is a leader in her industry and since receiving her certification has been actively recruiting peers into the MAS program. She is an incredible role model, helping to advance her industry, improve product safety and compliance, as well as promoting continued education.