Good 360

By supporting Good360, we are working toward the UN Sustainable Development Goal # 12 Responsible Consumption and Production by ensuring samples and promotional products are used by those in need instead of ending up being discarded. Sustainable consumption and production is about doing more and better with less. It is also about decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

TurnKey Promotions has partnered with Good360, who is essentially a matchmaker, helping repurpose items of value by directing them to Australians who need them the most. Their goal is for nothing useful to lie unused.

Good360 has helped transform the lives of those in need by distributing more than $9 billion in goods to their diverse membership of 60,000 nonprofit organisations who use those goods to serve their local communities.

TurnKey Promotions donates blank samples or excess items to Good360, to ensure products are put to use instead of ending up in landfill.